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Feb 15, 2012


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Rachael Hendricks

Great video on the Angel. I have
Ve the Breville Elite and am considering buying the Angel for more yield with leafy greens. Now that you have the Angel, do you use the Breville any more? Or did it make your Breville obsolete? Or do you prefer the Breville for the speed? Thanks!


Well, I've kept the Breville since there is no doubt that it is WAY faster to make and clean, BUT i haven't used it that much (only a few times). Since the juiice fast I haven't been juicing that much, I might do another juice fast very soon. I hope you got a good sence how long it takes to make the juice from my video so it can help you decide. For leafy greens it's no contest, the Angel blows away the Breville and I certainly would not use the Breville for greens anymore. Cheers.

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