Soon after that previous post last year I got injured training for Around the Bay 30km race. I ran up against the 10% rule and lost, my body fell apart with injuries (sore knees, back and neck). I stopped training soon after and was only going to start up again after my injuries subsided, but they weren't better by summer.
In fact, in the summer I had my next MRI for monitoring my multiple sclerosis and unfortunately it revealed that I had inoperable brain cancer. The rest of my year was pretty much consumed with dealing with that and I didn't do any exercise and put on about 25lbs with my waste going from 33 to 38 so it was pretty much all around my midsection (the biggest ever in my life). The doctors are just monitoring the tumor and when the time comes that treatment is required, then the chemo or radiation will happen. Until that point there is only living each day as it comes.
Listening and going to see Eckhart Tolle and living in the now pretty much ended the emotional suffering of dealing with diagnosis, but physically I still felt awful.
This week it's a big deal that I got out walking everyday which is what I'll have to keep up until/if I feel well enough to do some light biking or running, we'll see.
Chances are this blog is going to disappear soon since I didn't pay the renewal fees a while back and they are probably going to pull the plug soon, so for the 1 or 2 people (including me) that read this last year and before, thanks. Maybe I'll do a few additional posts until it's gone, like the Captain talking while going down with his ship.
I actually felt so poor physically that I decided to try something a bit extreme to try to give my body a break from digestion in hopes that I could detox a bit and have some energy return. So I'm giving a juice fast a try with my new juicers, typically making green juices with combinations of just about every fruit and vegetable you can imagine with mostly devastating results from a taste perspective. I got a bit motivated by the movie, "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" (, which is a documentary similar to Super Size Me except this time it's going the other way following someone getting healthy by doing a 60-day juice fast and starting to exercise.
Since I wasn't feeling good I called my doctor before I started and yesterday I went in for a battery of blood tests, ECGs, etc. etc.
Today I'll be starting day 5 of the juice fast and I must be starting to detox since I have a headache, a bit of a sore throat, and am stuffed up. Apparently there are 2-3 days where you don't feel so hot before you feel much better, but I'm not sure if I'll make it through this phase. I'll take it day by day.
Till next time...maybe. ;D
I am so sorry to hear this news. My heart & prayers go out to you and your family. Hang tough and live in the moment - it's all there really is anyway! Let me know if I can be of help with your fast and/or juicing. Be well and peace, Rich Roll
Posted by: Rich Roll | Feb 10, 2012 at 11:50 AM
I'm reading your blog. I vote that you renew it. :-)
Posted by: Craigdesbrisay | Feb 10, 2012 at 08:12 PM