I guess since I wasn't doing any triathlon training anymore, I had kind of abandoned this blog (but I did renew it).
The last year has been pretty disappointing from an exercise point of view as I haven't been able to do much, and every time I tried to start to get going something would stop me in my tracks whether it be fatigue from MS/Tumor, or injuries, etc. My weight has gotten out of control, which might be be a problem with my thyroid from the tumor OR most probably it's just all the junk food I've been eating while being velcro-ed to the couch. :D
The good news is that the last couple of years my brain cancer hasn't grown significantly and for that I'm thankful and very lucky. My neurologist echoed that sentiment saying that I've been lucky that it's been very slow growing.
So after many, many failed starts I've decided not to totally quit on the exercise and give it yet another shot to get going again. I kind of feel like a fly on sticky tape, where the memory of the freedom to fly still gives me hope for now that I can once again break through from the bondage.
I was just chatting with my friend and old triathlon coach Brett and I ended up reaching out to him for some help on the motivational side to help me get going. Perhaps some changes to diet, and some light exercise along with the motivational help will be enough to help my body respond positively to exercise again rather than knocking me out on my ass.
After Brett made sure that it was okay with my doctors to exercise he said, "And if you fall over and seizure, I have no idea who you are. ;)". I almost fell out of my chair laughing. :D
Anyway, as always after chatting with Brett, I had some renewed hope and motivation and hopped on the treadmill in my cool basement to see how bad the damage was. I had to put new batteries in my Polar watch, HR Strap and footpad to give you some indication how long it's been sind I've used that gear.
My plan was just to do a mix of some very light jogging and walking. I'd see how my HR responded/recovered and get some base line values to give to Brett. Perhaps I'd keep going with the workouts send the data over to see if I was adapting positively. As you can see from the graph, the current situation is dire but not without hope as I was able to jog, even though my HR sky-rocketed from the lightest of efforts (aka - Old, Out of shape, fat bastard ;D):